Interest-based digital communities

Consumer relationship management

Metrics & analytics for complete visibility

Flexible platforms for recruiting

Branded, unique content

Unmatched security of The Vault

Seamless system interfaces

Interest-based digital communities for the mobile, social and cloud era. Learn more →



What Are Interest-Based Digital Communities?

  • FastYeti interest-based digital communities are brokerage hubs that support all activity within an ecosystem: hiring, goods & services
  • For job candidates, they are a place where skills are the currency.
  • For employers, they are one-stop shops to quickly, easily and efficiently identify and hire highly-skilled, pre-qualified job candidates.
  • WildfireX is an interest-based digital community that brings together highly-skilled wildland firefighters and federal, state, local and private employers. It also serves as the central location for wildfire information and current news.
  • VetsHQ, launching in 2014, offers advice and support in a premier online benefits assessment service for veterans and a comprehensive digital community where veteran information, accomplishment and empowerment intersect shared interests and goals.

Unique, Branded News & Information

Deep dives into the information requirements, need-to-knows and voices of each community.

easy-to-use, headache-free

Bringing automation, operating efficiency, advice and support to benefits and entitlement programs.

The FastYeti Vaults™

Secure storage of important information, documents for your increasingly digital, social life.

Personal Clouds

These native cloud IBDCs create User-Centric Social Operating Systems.

The Ecosystem

Community collections of peers, friends, family, experts and employers.

Laser-Targeted eCOMMERCE

Transform supply chains into value chains to support tailored resources, products and services.